Liquid Controls Positive Displacement Flow Meters
LC M-Series™ Meters
Liquid Controls M-Series™ rotary motion positive displacement (PD) meters offer the ultimate in measurement accuracy for custody transfer of petroleum products, aviation fuels, LPG, and a broad range of industrial liquids. LC meters incorporate a unique design, presenting minimal intrusion in a flowing stream of liquid, as well as minimal pressure drop through the meter. The LC meter consists of a housing in which three synchronized rotors turn with no metal-to-metal contact. Hydraulic sealing is accomplished by a stationary boundary layer of liquid, not by the wiping action of mechanical parts/p>
- Low pressure drop.
- Sustained accuracy—no wear from metal-to-metal contact inside the measuring chamber means minimal deterioration in accuracy over time, fewer recalibrations, and longer service life. Meters conform to NIST and International Weights and Measures accuracy requirements.
- Wide temperature range—products can be metered accurately from -40° F (-40° C) to 160° F (71°C).
- Wide viscosity range—LC meters can accurately meter products from less than 30 SSU (less than 1 centipoise) to 1,500,000 SSU (325,000 centipoise).
- Maximum adaptability—right angle design with choice of stock or custom elbows/ fittings provides unequaled mounting flexibility to meet your installation requirements.
- Rated to 150psi / 10.5 BAR.

LC MA®Series Positive Displacement Meters
Meters provide exceptionally accurate service when using Liquid Controls’ unique positive displacement metering principle, even under variable operating conditions (changes in temperature, pressure and viscosity). Provides the energy efficient and functional performance desired from an economical volumetric measuring instrument. Available with traditional mechanical seal or glandless magnetic driven pulse output device. A wide range of accessories are available to meet almost every metering need.
- High accuracy and repeatability
- Low maintenance, no metal-to-metal contact in measuring chamber
- Aluminum materials of construction
- Self-contained operation without electrical power or signal conditioning (for units equipped with mechanical registers, printers or presets); no special piping requirements
- Electronic output and registration equipment where enhanced accuracy and electronic communications are needed
- Weights & Measures approval (world-wide) for custody transfer with mechanical or electronic registration systems meeting API standards
- Electronic accessories designed and approved to Class 1 Div. 2 standards

MSA And MSAA Series Positive Displacement Meters
Liquid Controls steel-case MSA and MSAA-Series rotary motion positive displacement (PD) meters offer the ultimate in flow measurement accuracy for bulk custody transfer of petroleum products, aviation fuels, LPG, crude oil, petrochemicals, and a broad range of industrial liquids. They incorporate a unique design, presenting minimal intrusion in a flowing stream of liquid, as well as minimal pressure drop through the meter.
Liquid Controls MSA and MSAA-Series meters consist of an outer spherical steel-case shell with flanged inlet and outlet ports. The shell houses a traditional LC metering element that employs three rotating and synchronized rotors. These rotors accurately segment flow into a precise volume of liquid for each revolution, with no metal-to-metal contact inside the measuring chamber. Hydraulic sealing between the rotors and the measuring chamber wall is accomplished by a stationary boundary layer of liquid—not by the wiping action of mechanical parts—thereby ensuring sustained accuracy, long service life with minimal wear, and low pressure drop suitable for operation on gravity low or pump pressure.
All MSA and MSAA-Series spherical shells are constructed of steel. Epoxy coated versions are available for aviation applications. Metering elements are available in metallurgies and seal materials suitable for a wide range of petroleum, petrochemical, and industrial applications.

LCMag™ Electromagnetic Flowmeters
Liquid Controls offers a broad selection of electromagnetic (Mag) flow meters for
industrial, water, and waste water flow measurement applications worldwide. The LCMag
family consists of five models of electromagnetic flow meters for specific applications,
including microflow, wafer, sanitary, flanged, and insertion style meters. The units are
offered in a wide variety of sizes and flow ranges for many industrial and OEM applications
- Agricultural
- Food & Beverage
- Aluminum materials of construction
- Chemical
- Pulp & Paper
- Water & Waste Water
- Others