Water Meters
Woltmann type meter with removable insert, sealed reading mechanism, magnetic transmission.
Available in sizes from DN50 – 2” to DN200 – 8”, for both cold water up to 50°C and hot water up to 90°C.
Approved according to MID 2004 /22/CE range R100-H/R100-V
ISO 4064 and OIML R49 compliant

Horizontal Woltmann meter with removable insert. Sealed counter mechanism with magnetic transmission.
Inductive pre-equipment for the installation of data communicating modules wireless OMS M-Bus and non-magnetic pulse output.

Woltmann type meter with removable insert, sealed reading mechanism, magnetic transmission.
Available in sizes from DN250 – 10” to DN500 – 20” for cold water up to 50°C.
Approved according to MID 2004 /22/CE range R80-HV
ISO 4064 and OIML R49 compliant

Tangential water meter for irrigation purposes, dry dial, magnetic transmission.
Suitable for measuring unclear water with presence of solid sediments.
ISO 4064 and OIML R49 compliant.

Compound meter consisting of a Woltmann type combined with a multi-jet meter by a switching valve.
At low flow rates the valve closes the passage of water through the Woltmann forcing it through the multi-jet meter ensuring an accurate measuring even at low flow rates.
Available in sizes from DN50 – 2” to DN150 – 6” for cold water up to 50°C.
Approved according to MID 2004 /22/CE
ISO 4064 and OIML R49 compliant

Electromagnetic flowmeter for measuring the volume and the flow of electrically conductive liquids.
The absence of internal moving components guarantees maximum measurement accuracy, no maintenance requirement, constant functionality over time and the ability to install the meter in any position. The precision of the measurement is not conditioned by the presence of debris and deposits in the measured fluid and the internal lining of the passage tube, either PTFE or EBANITE, allows the management of a wide variety of liquids also chemically aggressive. Remote reading available through GSM/GPRS interface.
Available in separate version with cable connected converter (MAG-S version)